Nyheder DHOS
Indkaldelse til selskabets ordinære generalforsamling, udsendt den 2. oktober 2023 og generalforsamlingen afholdes i sammenhæng med årsmødet den 26. oktober 2023 på Langelinie Pavillonen, København – se indkaldelse her
International Headache Society netop har relanceret deres hjemmeside: http://ihs-headache.org/
Der er en blandt andet en opdatering af IHS core curriculum. Desuden er der er mulighed for at se videoer og podcasts om hovedpinesygdomme og forskning. Den 25. juni 2020 blev der afholdt et webinar om klyngehovedpine, som også vil blive lagt op på IHS hjemmesiden. Endvidere er hjemmesiden nu også tilgængelig i en spansk og kinesisk version.
European Headache Federation kongressen vil i år foregå online fra den June 29. Juni til 2. juli.
Forebyggende migrænebehandling- fra molekyle til patient– fra molekyle til patient
onsdag d. 2. oktober 2019 i København.
Nordic Migraine Symposium om CGRP antistoffer 29.-30. november i København.
European Headache Federation (EHF) promotes the 10th Meeting of its own School of Advanced Studies (SAS), to be held in Rome, 11-13 October 2019.
The Brain Prize Meeting 2019. November 25 – 27 2019 in Copenhagen. https://www.lundbeckfonden.com/the-brain-prize-meeting/
World Brain Day 2019 is Dedicated to Migraine:
Dear IHS Affiliate Society Representative
We wanted to make sure you have received the mailshot below regarding World Brain Day 2019 which is dedicated to migraine.
Please share this with your members and encourage them to use the promotional materials in the Toolbox – also available on the World Brain Day website.
Help us spread the word to the world! Lars Edvinsson and Messoud Ashina
IHS President and President-elect
Richard Hargreaves og Jes Olesen har netop i tidsskriftet Headache fået publiceret et rigtig godt review om CGRP modulatorer i et historisk perspektiv, for mere læs her
Nyhedsbrev februar 2019
Nyheder 2019 Fellowship and Grants 2019
Nyheder IHS Research Grants 2019
Dear EHF member societies presidents and representatives,
EHF is pleased to announce the programme for the Secondary Headaches School hosted by the Polish Headache Society here: https://headacheschool.pl/programme.
Target audience: neurologists, ENT specialists and general practitioners with special interest in headache.
16 CME points according to Polish regulations (recognized in EU)
Official language: English
Programme goals: After the course the participants should be able to:
* recognize various clinical presentations of secondary headaches;
* be familiar with ”red flags” and ”comfort signs” of secondary headaches;
* develop diagnostic and treatment plans for helping patients with all aspects of secondary headaches.
Diploma: Sent via email after successful final test validation.
EHF provides grants according to the guidelines attached: Guidelines_school-published_in_JHP_February_2010
Up to 600 Euro per participant from the EHF member countries (registration and accommodation up to 3 nights). No more than 3 participants from each country.
Please apply according to these rules as indicated in the paper!
Application deadline is 1 October 2019.
EHF will select a) according to the rules, b) first come first serve.
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